We had such a fun Halloween this year (not that they aren't all fun!).
It all started with some pumpkin carving a couple days before Halloween. Owen and Emme loved squishing the pumpkin guts and throwing the seeds all over the floor. Oh, and they loved carving too! Owen made a scary face pumpkin, Emme (with some help) made a butterfly, Scott made a Frankenstein.
Owen had a costume parade at school on Friday that Emme and I went to see. He had fun walking around and showing off his cool army man costume. There were some pretty cute little kids there!
We had trunk-or-treat at church on Saturday night and the kids came home with soooo much candy! Emme was a little confused with what was going on. I was helping her practice saying "trick-or-treat" earlier in the day, but she just wasn't getting it! After the first few cars she took a look in her bag and got the biggest smile on her face!! She started giggling and pulled out a lollipop that immediately went into her mouth. I don't think I saw her without candy in her mouth the rest of the night. (I also found her eating chocolate the next morning in the corner of the front room! After that, the candy bag was placed on top of the pantry!)
Look at my cute cupcake!!
Tough army man!
On Halloween we decided to not take our kids out trick-or-treating but we did invite a couple of friends over to hang out (so the kids wouldn't feel like they missed out on Halloween because it was on a Sunday!).

We had tacos and root beer floats, watched Nightmare Before Christmas, and made our first deep fried Oreos and candy bars (Snickers, Kit-Kats and Reese's). The Oreos and Reese's were amazing!! I think we found a new Halloween tradition...deep frying our kid's Halloween candy! (It may sound gross, but don't knock it until you've tried it! We made fun of deep fried Oreos for years!)
Look how much Jessica and Mike love the deep fried Oreos!