Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Beach Season has Begun!

The weather is finally warm enough for everyone to start going to the beach! (I know some of you out there are laughing at me.."warm enough"- it has been in the 70's since March, but you know, those of us that live in SoCal have very thin blood!) Yeah Summer!!!!

The boys found a MILLION ladybugs on the beach. They spent almost an hour just digging through the sand to collect as many as they could!

They did eventually run in the water, chase the birds, and get
covered in sand, you just can't tell from these pictures!

I know Emme looks like she is going to cry, but really she was just trying to figure out what sunglasses are. She made the funniest faces until she got used to having them on. She loved having her feet in the sand and just sat quietly wiggling her toes while the crazy boys kept flinging sand on her as they ran past. She puts up with the boys very well!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am soooo jealous! I wish it were beach weather here. Not going to happen for a good two months still. But we are getting warmer--we hit the mid 40's today! The kiddos are cute. Emme is adorable.
