Monday, January 4, 2010

Summary of November & December

Like I said in the previous post, I haven't blogged in a while because I couldn't find the camera cord. I asked Scott if he knew where it was and 3 minutes later he handed it to me. I should've asked a while ago, I guess!!

I am going to play catch up here quickly...
For Thanksgiving we went to Oregon to spend the holiday with my family. We played lots of board games, my siblings played with the kids, Owen played with the dog, my sisters and I did girly things (had manicures done, face masks, etc.) and had a great Thanksgiving dinner. It was a great week! Owen had so much fun he cried when we left my parent's house and then cried again when we crossed the Oregon/California was sad and sweet at the same time!

Emme turned 1 (I can't believe it!!) on the 9th of December. Grandpa and Grandma Stewart sent her her first dolly-a Cabbage Patch baby! She suprised us all by immediately picking the doll up, hugging her and saying "Hi Baby!!" She walked around the house with her baby all day and the rest of the week. (She still loves her baby!)

We had her party on the 12th and had so many people over! It was lots of fun to have family and friends over and hang out with us! Emme was a happy girl all day (although that is not unusual for her to be happy all day!) and had fun opening her presents and eating her butterfly cupcakes. She is such a sweet, loving baby and Scott and I are so blessed to have her be a part of our family! I love her so much!

Christmas was loads of fun! We spent Christmas Eve at the Mahkorn Grandparents house with about 40 of our family members and friends. We chose to do a service project that night instead of exchanging gifts, like we usually do. We painted terra cotta pots and planted plants in them-we then "ding-dong ditched" some neighbors and left the plants and christmas notes from Santa's Elves on their doorsteps. It was lots of fun and I think it is a tradition we will keep---doing a service project on Christmas Eve! However, the littlest kids still got presents from their cousins and everyone still got new pj's, too!

Christmas morning, our kids opened their presents from Scott, myself and Santa at home then we had breakfast at Scott's parents house with Steve, Tracie, Adam, Melanie and Preston. For Christmas dinner, we went to Aunt Sharon's house and had tamales for dinner----Scott's dream come true! Dinner was great, the people were fun and we are hoping that this becomes a tradition as well!

We are so lucky to have such wonderful people around us to share the holidays with. We are truly blessed and are grateful for everyone who is a part of our lives!
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